Eternal Long gliding wings the sea-world will girdle:
Strong beat along, upbeat on a thermal;
They dip and they dive as waves crest in time,
Then flash from the spume and free from the rime,
Shrieking off to the south they gather speed –
Migration enforces their raging need
Don’t visit! – Then comes a shrill cry on the breeze,
I’m coming, I’m coming, a cough, a sneeze;
Danger is closing, its presence is clear,
Curving and spiking and breathless with fear:
Invisible depths of wave upon wave, As Poseidon lures you towards his dark grave –
And the boom from the sea is eternal.
Eternal Long gliding wings the sea-world will girdle:
Strong beat along, upbeat on a thermal;
They dip and they dive as waves crest in time,
Then flash from the spume and free from the rime,
Shrieking off to the south they gather speed –
Migration enforces their raging need
Don’t visit! – Then comes a shrill cry on the breeze,
I’m coming, I’m coming, a cough, a sneeze;
Danger is closing, its presence is clear,
Curving and spiking and breathless with fear:
Invisible depths of wave upon wave, As Poseidon lures you towards his dark grave –
And the boom from the sea is eternal.