Whitemaas wingan, lavros singan
Long curvan beaches o’ bonny white sand
Seas in shinan sun, waves roll in one by one
Twinklan lochs amang green fields they stand.
So this is wurs, what better place tae be
Than in this bonny land in a new century.
Far fae crowds, aye here wur happy
This is wur home in the Isles o’ Orkney.
Stormy winds blowan, sometimes snowan,
Long winter dark when it always seems night
Bit spring’s soon showan,days are growan,
An’ summer brings pleasure wi’ grand long light.
So this is wurs, what better place tae be
Than in this bonny land, a haven tae me.
Far fae crowds, aye here wur happy
This is wur home in the Isles o’ Orkney.
Long curvan beaches o’ bonny white sand
Seas in shinan sun, waves roll in one by one
Twinklan lochs amang green fields they stand.
So this is wurs, what better place tae be
Than in this bonny land in a new century.
Far fae crowds, aye here wur happy
This is wur home in the Isles o’ Orkney.
Stormy winds blowan, sometimes snowan,
Long winter dark when it always seems night
Bit spring’s soon showan,days are growan,
An’ summer brings pleasure wi’ grand long light.
So this is wurs, what better place tae be
Than in this bonny land, a haven tae me.
Far fae crowds, aye here wur happy
This is wur home in the Isles o’ Orkney.