Museum Closed
Harray KW17 2LQ

Welcome to Corrigall Farm Museum
N.B. Corrigall Farm Museum is currently closed due to pressure on resources.
Corrigall Farm Museum is a traditional ‘but and ben’ laid out as a typical Orkney farmhouse and steading in Victorian/late 19th century period. The site has a working barn, grain kiln, horse-drawn machinery and livestock, making an interesting visit for children and adults. A traditional peat fire helps to recreate the atmosphere of times gone by. In the 1960s the County Librarian, Evan MacGillvray, along with folklorist and historian, Ernest Marwick, identified the farm steading of Midhouse in Harray as a fine example which could be restored. It was not until 1979 that work began on making this happen. At first it was suggested that it should be restored back to the way it had originally been built, with a central hearth in the middle of the room. This would involve demolishing the interior wall with fireplace. It was insisted that it should be restored as it stood, which is what happened.
A team of workers under the Manpower Services Commission carried out the work, supervised by a professional stone mason. The farmhouse, barn/stable and byre (cow shed) were sensitively restored to their former appearance. The round tower of the kiln at the end of the barn shows how grain was dried or malted to make ale. The buildings are filled with artefacts collected by Bryce for such a project, giving it that lived-in look.
As there is more than one ‘Midhouse’ in Harray the name was changed to Corrigall, which was the name of the family who had lived in the house as well as being the name of the district in which it stands. It shows people what houses were like in the 18th and 19th centuries, when so many Orcadians left the islands to make a new life for themselves overseas.
What to see

Lorem Ipsum Dolor
Nam in porta tortor, sed lacinia risus. Cras hendrerit suscipit risus. Donec sit amet vehicula ligula. Vivamus consequat lectus a ullamcorper accumsan. Aenean a volutpat diam, vel imperdiet lacus.
Suspendisse sed est augue. Fusce commodo orci ex, non porttitor urna laoreet sit amet. Nullam sed feugiat velit, ac dictum eros. In mauris mauris, semper in leo at, suscipit porttitor mauris. Aliquam mollis orci sit amet arcu mattis, ut euismod metus auctor.
Fusce volutpat bibendum est, eget dignissim tellus iaculis ut. Praesent maximus turpis sed dictum imperdiet.

Ante Posuere Aliquet
Mauris pulvinar quis velit et tempus. Phasellus sollicitudin leo at finibus vulputate. Quisque gravida turpis sed ex dignissim vehicula. Etiam luctus diam id ante porttitor, a tincidunt enim tincidunt. Vivamus diam neque, tincidunt vitae ligula et, tincidunt pulvinar dolor. Nulla posuere non purus a blandit. Curabitur massa tortor, laoreet eget sem non, sagittis vulputate lacus. Praesent vitae diam luctus, dictum ligula at, volutpat velit.
Nullam ante ipsum, viverra ut semper non, vulputate non orci. Vivamus ut lacinia felis. Morbi posuere faucibus tincidunt. Suspendisse orci arcu, dignissim et dignissim et, porta in augue. Suspendisse sodales finibus dui sit amet lacinia.

Object of the Month
Nulla facilisi. Donec aliquet fermentum placerat. Aenean eget lorem elit. Nullam sodales sodales augue eget venenatis. Curabitur tincidunt faucibus rutrum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas volutpat risus in urna efficitur pellentesque. Phasellus pretium imperdiet velit, eget ultrices odio varius ut.
Morbi eleifend dui ac orci maximus elementum. Nunc enim metus, facilisis blandit libero vehicula, luctus mattis tortor. Duis sem neque, fringilla id ante consequat, sollicitudin tristique purus.
In mi tellus, imperdiet in ultrices a, mattis sed urna. Morbi dapibus velit ac mauris malesuada commodo.
Plan your visit
Corrigall Farm Museum
Harray KW17 2LQ
What Three Words Location
Free Entry, No Booking Necessary
Opening Times
Due to ongoing conservation work, this museum remains CLOSED until further notice
Due to pressure on resources, Corrigall Farm Museum remains CLOSED
Although Corrigall is closed, if you have an enquiries please contact us on museums@orkney.gov.uk
Events & Exhibitions

Event 3

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