Between Islands Project – Music CD

Between Islands Project – Music CD

Alex MacDonald, coordinator of the Between Islands Project:

Firstly, in the run up to Christmas we still have some important links to share with you – not least our remaining exhibition displays – so I will now be getting in touch as and when our information becomes available during that time.

Today’s news is that I am delighted to say that the Between Islands CD has arrived and will be available from tomorrow in the An Lanntair shop.  It features almost two hours of music from our exceptionally talented participants, both from previous live performance at Orkney Folk Festival and in An Lanntair, and entirely new work that has been created during lockdown. During that time our musicians worked not only across islands, but across their existing projects, creating new collaborations and resulting in some compositions which are premiering on this release. One such track is featured in our short film this week, and is written and performed by Willie Campbell from Lewis and Jenny Keldie from Shetland.  

Many thanks to all our Between Islands musicians both for their work on the recording and for preparing the online performances – more of which to come!  

Otherwise, this article appeared in last week’s Scotsman, focusing on the Shetland Skekler, one of the featured subjects in the upcoming Western Isles exhibition.

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