Walter Traill Dennison Donation Part 2

Walter Traill Dennison's Donation: Part 2

Walter Traill Dennison’s great-grandson, Duncan MacLaren, with Orkney Museum curator Ellen Pesci displaying a fob watch belonging to Walter’s father.

In part 1 we looked at some of the artefacts belonging to the writer and folklorist, Walter Traill Dennison (1825-94) that had been kindly donated by his great-grandson, Duncan MacLaren, Duncan’s sister Jean McLeod and Duncan’s son, Duncan MacLaren Jr. Here we look at a few more of these treasures from Orkney’s past.

Duncan’s daughter, Clare MacLaren, showing a pair of shoe buckles that once belonged to James Fae of Clestrain, the man who captured the pirate John Gow. See also below.
Walter Traill Dennison’s walking stick.
Clare holding an ivory billiards ball that once belonged to James Stewart of Burray, a notorious Jacobite sympathiser who died in gaol in London while awaiting trial.

These artefacts will be on display in a special exhibition at the Orkney Museum in the next couple of months.

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